Saturday, February 11, 2012

Twitter and Second Life

Back to 2005-2007 A.D., I frequently updated my blogs. Since my friends and I went to different universities national-wide, we set up our online social networks mainly via MSN space. We wrote blogs and updated our lives and thoughts to each other. That time was really full of fun. What we experienced may be stated as neomilliennial communication, learning, and socialization. Even though we were born after 1982 which was the mark stone of Net Generation, we didn't feel many changes until we entered the 21st Century when internet (computing) and digital devices (including telecommunication technologies) started blooming. According to "Growing up with Google: What it means to education" by Diana G. Oblinger, email, instant message (OICQ, MSN, AIM, etc.), and cell phone are "primary methods of communication". Human beings have had many transition stages from creating painting techniques, verbal language systems, writing systems, literature, performing, innovation of printing (posters, books, newspaper), radio broadcasting, TV broadcasting; people experienced the excitement of knowing how to use the "new media". Nowadays Web 2.0 evolutionally changes people's definition of "new media", and people have more and more life experience via virtual world communication.

I had a twitter account years ago, but compare to Facebook I was not that interested in exploring Twitter. The main reason is that I feel Facebook is more interesting and have more functions and channels to present information. Even though Twitter didn't give me an attractive first impression, I will start discover its advantages and good features. One reason that I started to use twitter again is that now we set up a learning community with other classmates in IM554.

Second Life:
I had a second life account years ago, but I didn't explore it that much until our instructor of IM554 introduced the learning community and social lives in Second Life. It seems that Second Life has developed and built up many new features during the years. I am looking forward to seeking more learning experiences in using Second Life.

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